Tuesday 2 October 2012

Take your brand on a holiday

For many of us our summer holidays are probably already a fast receding memory. We came back from them refreshed, re-charged and in many instances brimming with new ideas. What better place to get some quality time to think things through than beside the pool, on the beach, taking a stroll or just chilling with a nice crisp glass of wine. Once back at your desk or hunched over your smartphone the time to reflect soon disappears, along with some of your best new ideas too, if you're not very careful.

What if you could take your brand on holiday, or off on a short break? Give it a chance to reflect a little, look further ahead than the next quarter, experience some new things, meet some new people. Isn't there a chance that a good holiday could be as rewarding for your brand as it is for you?

Well perhaps there is a way that you could go on holiday with your brand. Why not arrange for you and your brand team, maybe even some of your customers, to spend a long weekend away together? Then you could set out a Holiday Itinerary that takes your brand to places that it wouldn't normally go - metaphorically or literally. Plan some stimulating holiday reading. Encourage your brand to try new things or simply spend time reflecting more deeply on the brand's future vision and the role it is looking to play in the world. Maybe it could even write some creative and inspiring postcards home. Useful reminders of what its' been thinking about and the new experiences its' had. Perhaps the team could keep a holiday diary or videolog.

Change and a rest. Recharge your batteries and your brand. Sounds a rather attractive proposition, doesn't it. I'd be delighted to come along as tour guide.